Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Good day guys! We would like to
announce that there might be a sudden
change of venue due to some reason
that we can't finalize the
participants and settle the budget for
our vacation. So, we decided to look
for a place where we can bond at the
same time do our private activities
and have fun under the sun. But still
we need your cooperation to make this

Venue: (subject to change)

Laiya San Juan, Batangas

(white sand beach, mountain side, semi-
private, preserved location, beach
front houses, fair rates and perfect
for group vacation)

Laiya Coco Grove Resort
(white sand beach, semi-private but
commercialized, lots of ammenities,
beach front houses, rates(under
negotiation), sailing and snorkeling
spot and also good for group

Puerto Galera:
Prime location, tourist spots, beach
night life, lots of houses and
cottages, white sand beach, accesories
and shops and etc..(undecided matter)

Plans for budget:
Php 2000- Graduate (working or without work)
Php 1500- Students and/or Undergraduate (working or without work)

Things to bring:
Personal belonging e.g can goods,
quick snacks, noodles, clothes, mobile
phone, emergency money(Php 500), flash
light, dinning utensils(personal) and

special announcement:
We're willing to help for any
financial problem but this is a
subject to consider for those who also
help themselves. This is not a
charity movement.

Guys please let us know if you're
gonna join or not so tha we can budget
our finances and finalize our agenda.
For any suggestions and comments
please raise it now while we still
have a time. Thank you.



Blogger Unknown said...

gamot sa bukol meron ka?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 12:01:00 PM  

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